New Orleans, Here We Come!
It’s almost time for the 2022 DKG International Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. Are you ready??? Your transportation to New Orleans and the Sheraton Hotel is arranged. Your registration for both the hotel and convention is made. Now what? If you have not already done so, download the DKG App on your phone. The agenda is there, speakers are listed, proposed amendments are posted and there is even a contest for earning badges for using the app. In the app, you can select events to create your schedule. The app will keep you on track with all the events you want to attend and will also push notifications to you about changes in the convention schedule. Of course, you will want to attend all the General Meetings. This is where the business of our Society will take place. Have you explored the list of break-out sessions? You have a variety of sessions to meet your needs so mark the ones which interest you. You don’t want to miss your regional breakfast or ...